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A Himalayan Adventure with the Royal Enfield Himalayan Scram 411 | Behind a Desk

Jinno was gone for quite a while and don't worry, he filed for a leave.

Jinno goes on a Himalayan Adventure with the Royal Enfield Himalayan Scram 411 | Behind a Desk

Jinno was gone for quite a while and don't worry, he filed for a leave. How could we keep him in the country when his trip to the mountains was not your average Marilaque run. No, Jinno went the whole nine yards this time and went to some of the highest peaks in the world on the Himalayas. And what better bike to take than a Royal Enfield... ... Scram 411. Yes, Jinno was able to test ride the brand-new-not-yet-released-in-the-Philippines model on some of the most beautiful and breath-taking roads you will ever find on this side of the galaxy. Watch as he climbs to the top of not-Mount Everest on his Zanskar Odyssey. Catch what happens on this episode of not-so-Behind-the-Desk.

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